Placement Exams

Information on all aspects of the MFLL Placement Exam

Is there a Hebrew Placement Exam?
Yes! Departmental placement for the Hebrew Language Program is accomplished through the Avant STAMP™ (STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency) language t...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 10:49 PM
Is there a Japanese or Portuguese Placement Exam?
Sadly, there is not (yet) an online placement examination for Japanese or Portuguese.  Please consult the Japanese or Portuguese program, and they will guid...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 10:53 PM
I placed into a 200-level course. Can I take 112 or 150 instead?
If you placed into a 200-level course, your score on the Placement Exam puts you far above where 112 or 150 students start out, which is why (out of fairnes...
Fri, 16 Sep, 2022 at 11:09 AM