If you placed into a 200-level course, your score on the Placement Exam puts you far above where 112 or 150 students start out, which is why (out of fairness to those who placed into 112 or 150) you cannot take those courses, as you did not score low enough to qualify for them. 

We suggest reaching out to your professor because you are likely experiencing language anxiety (feeling that you placed much higher than your actual ability). Each of the language sections that use the Placement Exam has faith both in the AI algorithms and the calibrations they have made to accurately place students into their courses. Language anxiety is a perfectly normal phenomenon, and our instructors are equipped to help students manage that language anxiety, which usually balances out after the first few weeks. Of course, if you are certain that you would actually place into 112 or 150 upon retaking the text, you will be able to retake the exam after a year, which is when placement exam scores expire.